1. Normal People 5/5
    年轻人的爱情故事,发生在爱丁堡。极其细腻真实的女性视角,性格鲜明稳定的两个主人公,恰到好处的情节发展和叙事设计。Sally Rooney已经被各大媒体夸奖一番了,但她的确deserve the reputation.

  2. The perks of being walllpaper 4/5

  3. Golden Compass 1/5

  4. The absolutely true diary of a part time Indian 3/5
    YA, 关于美国原住民的,里面描述的困境非常真实,男主角要每天走路2个小时才能上学。

  5. Ghost 2/5
    YA, 为了上课看的,讲的是一个男孩用田径逃离生活困境。

  6. The ride of a lifetime 5/5
    作为商业自传非常优秀了,讲述了Robert Iger如何从NBC一个跑腿的小哥走到Disney王国的CEO。虽然没有Philipe Knight在the Dog Shoe里的幽默,但是情感真实,叙述充满细节(比某某《价值》和《Principles》好到哪里去了)

  7. The School of Life (alain de botton, love it)5/5
    久仰de Botton先生大名,果真条理清晰,行文流畅。对于一个不太看哲学的人来讲真的非常合适,解决了我很多想不明白的问题。

  8. Why we sleep 4/5

  9. Cryptoassets 3.5/5

  10. Museum of Innocence 5/5

  11. Consolations of Philosophy (another Alain de botton) 5/5
    de Botton的第二本书,非常喜欢,哲学入门。讲述如何用哲学思想缓解心碎,死亡,平庸,嫉妒等等。

  12. Just Mercy 4/5
    我一向对法律问题不感兴趣,但是此书故事引人入胜,讲述了Bryan Stevenson 作为一名哈佛法学院的律师,将一生投入给解救被错判/过判死刑犯的经历。It gets a bit boring at the end but overall introduced me to an amazing aspect of the US that I didn’t know.

  13. Killing the Rising sun (Bill O’Reilly), 5/5
    I have never thought I would be interested in war history or exactly what happened, but now I can’t wait to visit the Enola Gay that dropped the atomic bombs in Japan. I think the atomic bombs are dropped correctly, even though it opened up the gate for a new age of constant nuclear threat. Amazing writing style, tight, engaging, vivid.

  14. Into thin air 5/5
    A masterful command of language rendered a doomed expedition into a story as tight and enticing as the Titanic. You feel the clock pounding by your ears. 作为一个beginner mountaineer,看到这样优秀的叙述,真的是怦然心动。

  15. The history of Venice 1/5 - 未读完

  16. On the Course of Love 4/5
    A fiction psychoanalysis by de Botton again. I love his plain, calm style of writing. The wisdoms imparted by these books are not didactic, but soothing and easy to digest. 不知不觉已经是今年的第三本de Botton了,用两个虚构人物讲述了爱情和婚姻的现实。看完感觉 – 人生越来越难啊,要juggle的球不断变多。

  17. The house of Medici 3/5 - 未读完
    Very similar to the way The History of Venice is written. Too much telling, not enough showing。故事几乎没有主线,我读到了Cosmo de Medici去世的部分,估计以后会捡起来,还是挺有趣的,就是有点dry。

  18. Sense and Sensibility 3/5
    Jane Austen 的第一本小说,感觉Sense and Sensibility这个题目太过直白了,把两个主人公的性格概括的过于好了。虽然Pride and Prejudice也是概括两个主人公性格,但是并不影响阅读。情节也比奥斯汀后面的小说简单,结尾有些仓促(感觉奥斯汀的结尾都很仓促)

  19. Wuthering Heights 呼啸山庄 5/5

  20. Persuasion 4/5
    奥斯汀的倒数第二本小说,比Sense and Sensibility写的紧凑很多,情节更加曲折,人物的轮廓也更加清晰。但是人物有些多了,有一部分没有交代清楚就结婚了?

  21. Anna Karenina 5/5
    Wow indeed a masterpiece. Tolstoy addresses issues of birth, death, marriage, aging, religion, politics, farming, nature … all in one book and all to a very satsifactory depth. With almost 900 pages, it’s not an easy read and took me almost two weeks to finish. I had to put the book down often, not that it’s dreading me but due to the intense emotions. Part VIII contains too much Chrisitian anarchism preaching to be interesting to me. I can’t imagine there can be any adequate film adaptation of this. This is too complex for that. Maybe a well-made TV series can capture all.

  22. Everything I know about love 4/5
    I craved for an easy read after Tolstoy, and JY recommended this book to me. Dolly Alderton has a gifted, very unique use of lanaguage. It’s so sassy and funny and relatable. The book is about a girl’s coming of age and struggling through her twenties.

  23. Lost Continent by Bill Bryson 5/5
    Hilarious book about Bryson’s road trip across 38 states (out of the lower 48). He didn’t hit the big cities, but instead chose the obscure towns and dilapidated roads. It enlightens me on how travel writing can still be quite meaningful in this digital age, where articles like “top ten must-see in Seattle” are everywhere and overly accessible. It’s, afterall, about a fresh pair of eyes.

  24. Never let me go by Kazuo Ishiguro 5/5
    Maybe my understanding that Ishiguro had won the Nobel Prize interfered with my judgement of this book, and reminded me to pay more attention to the symbolism, to the language, and the idea he is trying to convey through the fictional world. But overall an excellent fiction that conveys “the relentless passage of time” in very beautiful, powerful, simple strands of thoughts. An absolutely delightful read.

  25. A Pale of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro 4/5
    The first novel by Ishiguro. Same elegiac, peaceful, simple tone. Guild and sadness are looming in the background. I read it for two reasons. One is to see the development of Ishiguro’s writing, and I discovered that all the elements are present already, albeit a little simpler. The other reason is that it depicts an imaginary Japan, the Japan in his head that he had never been. I can see how the scenes, the western apartment building on the bank of Nagasaki can be from his memories, but the overall plot is not a memorial or attempt to preserve. Beautiful, easy read.

  26. 你的夏天还好么 by 金爱烂 5/5
    理想国电台一期播客,叫韩国有文学,推荐的书。是一个短篇小说集,一共八篇。跟大部分最近读的东西很不一样,韩国文学是当代的,生活化的,里面讲述的细腻心情我也都无比真切的体验过。里面描述吃播,学长学姐关系,去东南亚旅游,做美甲和消费升级,在仁川机场做保洁员等等,优秀的当代文学是难得的,也是对写作极具启发性的。很推荐!Fun read!

  27. Scarcity 3/5
    Poverty leads to poverty. This book explains why it’s so difficult for poor people to get out of the viscious cycle of borrowing, barely making the payments on time, and being in debt again. It’s not nearly as simple as “just save 100$ each months” or “just watch some Khan academy to educatue yourself.”

  28. Twilight Series 2/5
    My guilty pleasure, I admit. The first book is not too bad, but it just gets progressively worse from here. The plot makes no sense, characters thin and stretched. It’s really not worth your time, but hey, sometimes we do stupid things.

  29. Beach Read by Emily Henry 1/5
    I only finished it because I listened to it with my free audible credits. A romantic story between two college rivals that unfolded ten years after graduation. The plot is so contrived, conversations so stale, even the erotic scenes are mediocre at best. It’s just barely interesting enough to keep me listening to the next chapter. It helped me through my 14-mile long runs, so I guess it’s worth mentioning.

  30. People We Meet on Vacations by Emily Henry 1/5
    I geinuely don’t know why I opened up another book by her. I was a little surprised that it was published Penguine Random House. Since when did they start publishing terrible books like this? Or did I completely miss some key points? It’s categorized as a rom-com, and I don’t think I laughed even once (if you don’t count the one time I laughed at myself for finishing this book). Too dramatic, characters filmsy and unrealistic, dialogues remind me of fictional essays by 7th graders. Terrible.

  31. Midnight Library by Matt Haig 5/5
    The best contemporary novel I’ve read this year. Spoiler: in parallel universe, you could have lived differently, and one tiny decision has subsequent butterfly effects that dramatically change your life. What would you do if you get a chance to experience them all? It’s not the most out-of-no-where idea, but very few writers have elaborated on it in such a philospohical and satisfying manner. It certainly has inspired me to look at life differently, to have less regrets. The only way to learn is to live itself. Highly recommend!

  32. La vie devant soi 4/5
    Il s’agit de plusieurs facettes de la vie à Paris, surtout parmi les plus pauvres. Toutes les histoires sont racontées à travers les yeux d’un enfant, Momo. C’est un peu difficile pour moi à cause des mots speciale.

  33. Elle et Lui par Marc Levy 3/5
    Une histoire romantique entre une actrice et un écrivan. Plus facile que la vie devant soi.

  34. How Proust can change your life 4.5/5
    Wonderful, just as all Alain de Botton’s book, really helped me to zoom in and rethink about time and living in the present. I wish I read Proust (that’s another major endavor on its own that’s worth a good three months if not more)

  35. Beautiful world, where are you by Sally Rooney 3.5/5
    I love Sally Rooney’s style, her ardently feminine perspective, her details and nuanced observations. However this book has too much discussion about climate change and the problems that come with fame. I still relate to the characters very strongly, especially Eileen and Simon, but not so much Felix and Alice.

  36. Conversation with friends by Sally Rooney 5/5
    I couldn’t help but dig up her debut work – boy I love this book. So many good excerpts – I think I will dedicate another blog post to this book. Highly highly recommend.

  37. Four thousand weeks 5/5 In progress