1. The world for sale by Jack Farchy and Javier Blas

Wow I love books like this, which introduce me to a whole new field I was completely unaware of before – commodity trading. It’s not the biggest finance sector, but it plays a surprising role in geopolitics. Surprisingly also, Switzerland is a country with many many powerful commodity trading firms.

2.The Chip War by Chris Miller

Incredible book about the semiconductor industry – why it’s one of the greatest engineering feat of human beings, and why it’s inevitably a global effort. Chris is particularly amazing at explaining the science and technical details in an accessible and enticing way. Loved the book. You can understand so much about the US’s invovlement with Taiwan afterwards

3. Chanson Douce par Leïla Slimani

Je l’ai lu en français pour améliorer ma compréhension orale. L’histoire dedans est attryante, et la dynamique entre la nounou, le mari et la femme est réel et intense. Il décrit bien les difficultés auxquels les femmes professionelles font face aujourd’hui. C’est pas mal, mais je ne comprends pas pourquoi il a gagné le Goncourt.

3. 欧洲文明十五讲 15 Lectures of European Civilization - 陈乐民

Lecture notes of Prof. Chen at Pekin Uni, very well written overview of European History

4. Tu peut-être en parler à quelqu’un par Lori Gottlier [Maybe You Should Talk to Someone]

Read the French translation of it, funny, interesting, wasn’t convinced though.

5. The Timetraveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

I loved loved loved the prose style! so causal, detailed, yet organized, flowy and touching at the same time. Can’t wait for the sequel! This books reminds me of why I love reading so much. Also best sex scene I’ve ever seen written.

6. Divergente by Veronica Roth

A book series I’ve read in high school and now revisiting in French. Very well done young adult series (at least the first two books) – lots of actions! perfect for learning French verbs. Beautiful sentences, conscise and powerful narrative. Fabulous translation!

7. The Spy and the Traitor by Ben Macintyre

A book about one of the most successful spy in espionage history – yet I find the details lacking.

8. The Escape Artist by Jonathan Freeland

Enticing story beautifully told, devoured it in three days.

9. An Immense World by Ed

Gave up half way through, gonna retry with a paperback (the pictures of animals mentioned are much needed!)

10. Un Jour

Romantic classic by David Nicollas, read it in French, loved it.

11. Le Confident

In French, beautifully written, a little scary/disgusting at points (teen girl being forced into pregnancy)

12. The Red Roulette

Wow the juciest book about the CCP – a insightful, detailed personal account of doing business in China.

13. The New Merchants of Grains

in progress…