There are two kinds of fun in this world, the fun of consuming, and the fun of making.

Fun of consuming is your typical entertainments – a Netflix show, a nice dinner at a bistro, a concert or festival.

Fun of making is anything that involves intentional, creative effort – putting your twist on a dish, writing a short story, or in my case, coding.

The second type, when done right, is 100x more fun.

If you ask me what’s my proudest achievement in life so far.
It’s not getting into Yale. It’s not finishing marathons. It’s not about mountains or jobs or money.
It was building coursefinder, used by more than 7000 people now.

Building a tool that solves a problem, that’s actually used and appreciated by other people, is the most gratifying thing I’ve ever done in my life.

Sounds so cliché, until you experience it yourself.

I’d work during the day, and come home and code more.

Those who have never had “a project of one’s own” simply won’t get it. They think I work too much.
When “a project of one’s own” collides with solving someone else’s problem. It becomes blissful.

It has nothing to do with work. It doesn’t feel like work. It is way too much fun.

Just really happy to be free, to be in a new stage of life, to have time for “a project of one’s own”.